Curtis Willis and Maizie

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Spring Is Here!

It's been such a busy 3 months this year and would be difficult to post all the things that have happened: lots of stitching events, way too many hours spent at work, knitting away when I can stay awake that is.  The project that is currently #1 on my needles is a baby blanket for the next baby in the family, due to arrive in April.  I found these colors in my LYS and they jumped off the shelf into my arms:

Pretty spring greens and pinks.  I'll post the finished product..soon I hope.

Well I am surprised I remember how to update this blog. I'm not a super techno guru so had to refresh my brain re: uploading from iPad, etc etc.  My hat's off to you bloggers who update frequently and with such style.

Wishing you warm happy spring days. My monarchs are back & that makes me happy.